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Have you ever had a recurrent dream? Sometimes dreams are simply ways of processing information we pick up during the day, but at other times dreams are actually trying to send a message to our conscious minds. Many famous scientists including Albert Einstein have reported receiving a dream solution to a problem they’d been working on consciously without success for many months. The principle behind getting an answer through your dreams is the same one that tells you that you won’t be able to remember a stubborn fact until you stop trying. We’ve all had that experience: The harder we try to remember some fact, the more baffling the answer seems to be. Then, the moment we quit trying the answer presents itself. One way to discover what is most important in your life at any given time is to start recording your dreams. If you keep a small notebook beside the bed and write your dreams down immediately upon waking, you will find that after awhile you can remember them more easily on your own. Certain symbols will show up again and again, and these are the themes you want to pay attention to and decode. Dreams speak in pictures that have many layers of meaning, and each image or symbol is unique to you as an individual. Dream books can give some sense of general meanings, but always you will have to take another step and tailor the interpretation to your own life.
Manifestation and the theory behind the Law of Attraction has roots in many sources: Eastern philosophy, New Age thought, Science of Mind, and humanistic psychology. Humanistic psychology grew out of the theories of Sigmund Freud, who formulated a system of mind comprised of an ego (what you might normally consider to be your conscious self), a superego (your conscience or higher Self), and an id (your animal or instinctual drives such as the need for food and sex). While Freud’s theories were rather harsh and saw the superego as a disciplinary force instead of a very friendly one, schools of humanism took their cue from Freud’s colleague Carl Jung, who saw the unconscious as a dynamic universal force that bonded humans to each other and to the created world through teh language of symbols and dreams. Developing an ongoing relationship to this dynamic unconscious field came to be known as Self-Realization: that is, the development of a dynamic, creative Self that went beyond the constraints of Freud’s ego self. During the 1960s and 1970s humanistic psychologists such as Fritz Perls offered seminars and retreats where clients could go and explore these concepts by getting in touch with this creative power. Self-Realization is also often used in the lingo of New Age and transcendental philosophies to indicate growth beyond the small individual, separate self into a connected, broader Universal Self.
t the turn of the 20th century, the Spiritualist Movement took hold of Western culture in a big way. Spiritualism was a form of religious practice that combined Eastern Transcendentalism with occult mystical practice and ideas, and was promoted in the U.S. and Europe by an eccentric woman who called herself Madame Blavatsky. Psychology was an infant science, and many traditional scholars from the ‘hard’ sciences got caught up in trying to prove or disprove Spiritualist practices, which included seances, parlor games centered around ESP, and a practice called “automatic writing.” Automatic writing was a form of light trance in which the medium, usually a woman, would lightly hold a pen or pencil over a pad of paper and wait for it to move on its own accord. The message spelled out this way was taken to be a message from “the spirit world.” Some women wrote entire novels under pen names of entities “channeled” during automatic writing sessions. Today, the practice is once again becoming popular, but the focus is less on contacting the dead and more on contactingone’s own higher Self. Many of the 19th century women who channeled automatic writings were actually highly intelligent persons who, because they lived as women in Victorian times, were thought incapable of such written wisdom, even though they were fully capable of it. Popular New Age writers Amy Zerner and Monet Farber have an automatic writing kit now available.
Most people walk around with a constant inner dialog chattering away, unheard by other people but constantly competing for attention with both intuition and external stimuli. Some people call this constant chatter ‘the peanut gallery’, some people call it ‘the itty bitty committee’ but the fact is, it distracts us from who we really are inside and from what is really going on outside. Learning to turn off this ‘Inner Radio’ is easier than you might think, but you most people can’t do it by just flipping a switch. Instead, the most tried and true method is to learn to detach from these thoughts and simply observe them flowing through your own mind. By observing these kinds of chattering inner thoughts as if they were things and by not identifying with them, we slowly learn to identify instead with pure awareness. Awareness is the mode of being of the Higher or Universal Self. When we are aligned with pure awareness we are listening to our Higher Self and we are open to possibility and change. Aligning our conscious selves with pure awareness enables each of us to notice our desires and goals manifesting in front of our very eyes. We begin to see the world as abundant and full of choices instead of as a series of problems we need to solve. We can let ourselves be guided. It is a simple matter of turning down the ‘Inner Radio’ and listening instead to who we truly are.
Manifestation can feel like magic when you first discover it, but it’s really all about the self (with a little ’s’) learning to be guided by the Self (with a capital ‘S’). The idea of a small self or individual ego that runs day to day life while guided by a deeper or universal self that connects each person to all of creation is an old one that has been expressed in many different ways. Sigmund Freud called the little ’s’ self the ego and the capital ‘S’ self the superego. Buddhism views the little ’s’ self, or ego, as an illusion. In other words, Buddhists see the separation of self from creation as an artificial line that meditation can teach us to transcend. Typically the ego self cannot see the big picture, only the details, of any given situation. The Higher or Universal Self, because it is connected to all of existence, can draw to itself what it needs most and guide the ego in the best direction. This way of being in the world is alien to most Westerners. In the West, we see the ego and individualism as king. The ego concerns itself with acting on the world, with doing and striving and controlling. The Higher Self operates through being, acceptance and attraction. Learning to manifest is really about learning to align the ego self to the direction of the Higher Self instead of vice versa. This learning process has lifelong benefits too numerous to mention in a single post.
Visualization is a very important part of manifestation. Being able to visualize what you want to manifest in vivid detail while in a relaxed state is a powerful tool for creating that desire as a reality in the material world. You can also use visualization to put yourself into a state of deep relaxation and deep awareness. Meditations that involve visualization to achieve deep relaxation and awareness are often referred to as guided meditations, since most commonly another person guides the meditating person into the visualization by verbally walking that person through the imagined scene. Another technique for using visualization in meditation involves focusing on an image or a series of images while being guided into a relaxed state. These types of guided meditations are great for beginners who feel lost or foolish in basic sitting meditation, and the beneficial effects can be just as great. Many guided meditations are available at no cost online. A good selection of free, online guided meditations can be found at www.learningmeditation.com. Another technique for using visual materials in meditation is yantra meditation. A yantra is an abstract design that actually changes the person who meditates on it. Different yantras has different meanings and effects, and in addition, all are very beautiful. To see some yantras and read about yantra meditation and
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